Smart Stewardship

Tips on how to use BASF crop protection solutions.

Personal Protective Equipment PPE

Always remember to put on protective clothing when using pesticides. Wear long-sleeved shirt, long trousers, boots and gloves. Always follow the label instructions to wear the correct PPE for mixing, loading, application and cleaning procedures.

We have launched the First ISO 27065 Protective Clothing in Africa. To learn more, visit the BASF Personal Protective Equipment Guide here .

Our commitment to safety is not limited to our employees but extends to our suppliers and customers. This is why we established the Global Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Initiative.

View our latest initiative and learn more about BASF Smart Stewardship here.

What is Smart Stewardship?

Smart Stewardship in the context of crop protection and pest control is the responsible and ethical management of products along their life cycle. Smart Stewardship means harnessing digital tools and innovative technologies for enhanced product stewardship, aiming to safeguard farmers, operators, the environment and public health.

Protecting the health of farmers and professional applicators, rural communities and consumers is of utmost importance for us. Learn more about our stewardship activities under Human Health.

Resistance Management

ALWAYS use pesticides as part of an Integrated Crop Management strategy together with other methods of control. Alternate the use of pesticide belonging to different groups in order to limit the resistance development.

Recommendation of use

When using Pesticides, ALWAYS remember to observe the correct application timing, use the correct rate of application & spray interval. This ensures adherence to the Good Agricultural Practice.

Counterfeit Agrochemicals Pose Significant Threat in Kenya

The agricultural sector in Kenya is facing a serious challenge due to the prevalence of counterfeit agrochemical products. It is estimated that between 15 and 20 percent of agrochemicals sold in the country are fake, posing substantial risks to farmers, the environment, and overall crop yields. These counterfeit products often contain incorrect or insufficient active ingredients, leading to ineffective pest control, reduced crop productivity, and potential harm to human health.

To combat this issue, companies like BASF have implemented anti-counterfeit measures for their products. By carefully inspecting packaging for specific features like the black logo bar, visible trademark, and aak-Grow CropLife logo, farmers can help identify genuine products. It is essential to purchase agrochemicals from authorized retailers to minimize the risk of encountering counterfeit goods.

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